Office Network


How to Network Outside of the Office

To diversify your network, start with a list of your closest friends and professional contacts. That list should be roughly 50 to 60 people. Next, figure out how many people in your industry are outside of your circle of friends and colleagues. You should aim for about 30% outside of your industry as well. By following these steps, you will begin to diversify your network and increase the number of people in your network who are outside of your industry.

Asking for referrals

Ideally, you'll ask for referrals in person and make them feel as comfortable as possible. While it can be tricky to ask for referrals outside of the office, it can be a good sign of successful onboarding. Make sure to follow up with an email and show gratitude for the referral. The more you show appreciation for a referral, the more likely they'll be to give you a referral in the future.

In person: When people are physically present, they are more likely to follow through on referrals. Try setting up a meeting with a loyal client or visiting their office. This way, they'll know that you're serious about making referrals. You can also hold virtual meetings if your client is located in a foreign country. If a personal meeting is not possible, ask them to make one for you.

Email: Send an email thanking your client for the referral. This is a simple way to stay in their mind and show your gratitude for the referral. It doesn't have to be expensive - a handwritten letter or an email will do. Don't wait until your project is finished. If you want to get referrals, start the process well before the project ends. Then, once the referral has met your salesperson, ask him to recommend you to a friend.

Make sure you ask for referrals from people in the same industry. Referrals from the same department or role can help your company save time and money. In addition to asking people for referrals, make sure you specify the ideal job title. A CFO has more influence on accounting decisions than a head of marketing or sales. You should also specify the ideal job title so that you can target people who are relevant to your work.

One-off projects are another great way to get referrals. A one-off project may involve a website redesign or content for an eBook. Once the client is satisfied with the end result, ask them to refer your services to their friends. The results of this process will be well worth your while. Just make sure to follow-up with your client after the project is complete. They might be surprised at how well they rate you.

Extending your network

While your wireless connection might be adequate at your office, if you work from home or in another room, you might need a stronger signal in those areas. For example, you might need a good connection to watch Netflix in the living room or listen to Spotify in the backyard. If this is the case, you should look into network extenders. While they are not ideal for every scenario, they can be a cost-effective solution.

The best way to extend your wireless signal beyond the office is to buy mesh routers. They can be bought in packs of three and work together to create a stronger signal. If you live in a multi-story home, you should take into account building materials and height. In a multi-level home, you should position the router at the top of the extender. Large metal objects such as fireplaces and refrigerators will absorb the wireless signal. Other things to consider are closets, supports, and walls.